Calendario LDS




// enter the host name of your database server
$host = «localhost»;

//enter the user that has access to administer this server
$dbUser = «wwwwalk_pbsadmin»;

//enter the password for this user
$dbPassword = «pbspassword54075»;

//enter the name of the database that you’ll be using
$dbName = «wwwwalk_pbstest»;

//enter your team name to be displayed at the top of the main page
$teamname = «»;

//enter the full path to the home page for your team i.e –
$teamhomepage = «»;

//enter the number of innings your team plays in a regular game.  This is required to calculate
//the correct earned run average for pitchers
//ERA = # of earned runs * inningsplayed / innings pitched
$inningsplayed = «9»;

//These are the sort options.  $bsort is the batting stats sort and $psort is the pitching stats sort.
//The default sort for batting is «avg» (batting average) and for pitching is «era» (earned run average)
//If you would like to change the sort, you need to specify the stat.  The EXACT name from the following key must be entered
//for this sort to work:
/*  BATTING:                                PITCHING:
«bb» => Walks                            «bb» => Walks
«runs» => Runs scored                    «runs» => Runs scored
«singles» => Singles                    «er» => Earned runs
«doubles» => Doubles                    «gs» => Games started
«triples» => Triples                    «hr» => Homers
«hr» => Homers                            «sos» => Strike out swinging
«rbi» => Runs batted in                    «sol» => Strike out looking
«sos» => Strike out swinging            «hp» => Hit by pitch
«sol» => Strike out looking                «win» => Wins
«hp» => Hit by pitch                    «loss» => Losses
«obe» => On by error                    «save» => Saves
«sb» => Stolen bases                    «nd» => No decisions
«sac» => Sacrifice                        «games» => Games pitched in
«ab» => At bats                            «ip» => Innings pitched
«hits» => Hits                            «shut» => Shut outs
«so» => Total strike outs                «so» => Strike outs
«obp» => On base percentage                «kpergame» => Strike outs per game
«avg» => Batting average                «wpergame» => Walks per game
«slg» => Slugging percentage            «era» => Earned run average               */

$bsort = «avg»;
$psort = «era»;

//enter a «1» if you want to display a stats key at the bottom of the page
$showkey = «0»;

$db = mysql_connect($host, $dbUser,$dbPassword) or die ( ‘Unable to connect to server.’ );;
mysql_select_db($dbName,$db) or die ( ‘Unable to select database.’ );


<?php  mb_http_input(«iso-8859-1»);

<title>Posiciones – Peloteros del sur</title>
<meta name=»description» content=»posiciones» />

<style type=»text/css»>
.style1 {color: #FFFFFF}

<body marginheight=»0″ marginwidth=»10″ topmargin=»0″ leftmargin=»10″ bgcolor=»#ffffff»>

<div align=»center»>

<table width=»534″ border=»0″ cellspacing=»0″ cellpadding=»0″>
<td width=»800″ valign=»top»>

<table width=»100%»  border=»0″ cellspacing=»0″ cellpadding=»0″>
$menu = & JSite::getMenu();
$item = $menu->getActive();
$id=$item->itemid; ?>

<h1 >2009 Posiciones </h1>
<table width=»100%» border=»0″ cellspacing=»0″ cellpadding=»0″>

<td height=»7″><spacer type=»block» width=»1″ height=»1″></td>

<td height=»7″><spacer type=»block» width=»1″ height=»1″></td>
<td align=»right» nowrap>&nbsp;

<table width=»100%» border=»0″ cellspacing=»0″ cellpadding=»2″>
<tr bgcolor=»#CCCCCC» >
<td height=»18″ colspan=»12″ ><strong>Liga del Sur </strong></td>
<tr align=»right» bgcolor=»#990033″>

<td width=»9%»  ><span class=»style1″>Logo</span></td>
<td width=»22%» height=»18″ align=»left»><span class=»style1″>&nbsp;Equipos</span></td>
<td width=»5%» ><span class=»style1″>W</span></td>
<td width=»5%»  ><span class=»style1″>L</span></td>
<td width=»7%»  ><span class=»style1″>Pct</span></td>
<td width=»7%»  ><span class=»style1″>GB</span></td>
<td width=»7%»  ><span class=»style1″>Local</span></td>
<td width=»7%»  ><span class=»style1″>Visitante</span></td>
<td width=»8%»  ><span class=»style1″>L5</span></td>



/*   $team_arr  =  mysql_query(«SELECT * FROM playersinseason «,$db);                       (Wins/(Wins+Losts)) AS pct                          ORDER BY pct DESC
$team_arr_lis = mysql_fetch_array($team_arr); */

$sql_posicion_sort  = «SELECT sum(win) AS Wins ,sum(lost) AS Losts,teamID, (sum(win)-sum(lost)) AS DL FROM gamesscorecard WHERE seasonID=1 AND league=2 GROUP BY teamID ORDER BY DL DESC»;
$posicion_sort = mysql_query($sql_posicion_sort);
$gmsRow = mysql_fetch_array($posicion_sort);
$result = mysql_num_rows($posicion_sort);

do {      
$gm_teams_arr = mysql_query(«SELECT club_medio FROM team WHERE team.teamID=$gmsRow[teamID]»,$db);
$local_d = mysql_fetch_array($gm_teams_arr);
$local[$i] = $local_d[club_medio];                                  

echo ‘<tr align=»right»>’;
echo ‘<td align=»left»><a href=»/mlb/team?statsId=10″><img src=»» width=»20″ height=»18″ hspace=»10″ border=»0″></a></td>’;
echo ‘<td align=»left»>&nbsp;-<a href=»» >’;

echo $local[$i];
echo ‘</a></td>’;
$pct= $gmsRow[Wins]/($gmsRow[Wins]+$gmsRow[Losts]);
echo ‘  <td>’.$gmsRow[Wins].'</td>’;
echo ‘  <td>’.$gmsRow[Losts].'</td>’;
echo ‘  <td>’.$pct.'</td>’;
$lider[$i] = $gmsRow[Wins];
$atras[$i] = $gmsRow[Losts];

if ($i == 1)
{ echo ‘  <td> — </td>’;}
else {
$gb = (($lider[1] – $lider[$i]) + ($atras[$i] – $atras[1])) / 2;
echo ‘  <td> ‘.$gb.’ </td>’; 

echo ‘  <td>  –  </td>’;
echo ‘  <td>  –  </td>’;
echo ‘  <td>  –  </td>’;

echo ‘ </tr>’;
$i++;}   while ($gmsRow = mysql_fetch_array($posicion_sort))

<td colspan=»12″ height=»18″><spacer type=»block» width=»1″ height=»1″></td>

<td colspan=»12″>
<table width=»100%» cellpadding=»1″ cellspacing=»0″ border=»0″ >
<td><table width=»100%» cellpadding=»4″ cellspacing=»0″ border=»0″ >
<td ><b>datos</b></td>

<td height=»7″ colspan=»12″><spacer type=»block» width=»1″ height=»1″></td>

